About This Game Millionaire Dancer is a rhythm game that can dance in VR.Beyond simply matching the pattern, experience the feeling of dancingFeel various rhythms, dance with your hands and head.Millions of fans are crazy about your dance concert!Be the "Millionaire Dancer" with the most popular. 1075eedd30 Title: Millionaire DancerGenre: Casual, Indie, Early AccessDeveloper:Realgam gamesPublisher:Realgam gamesRelease Date: 16 Apr, 2019 Millionaire Dancer Key millionaire dance video. slumdog millionaire dance tutorial. millionaire matchmaker dancer. slumdog millionaire dance jai ho download. dancing millionaire italian. slumdog millionaire dance gif. millionaire dancing with the stars. dancing millionaire age. millionaire dancing instagram. kylie ballet dancer millionaire matchmaker. millionaire dancer. slumdog millionaire dance ending. millionaire dancer steam. slumdog millionaire dance jai ho. millionaire dance. slumdog millionaire dance number. millionaire italian dancer. millionaire dance gavin dance. millionaire dance vr. millionaire dance boat Version 1.1.1 hotfix: Hey everyone,They were some issues remaining in the last update:Fixed Lockdown challenge not registered correctlyFixed popup asking to skip intro for levels without any introFixed last boss part 1 being too easy The last update brought some big changes to the game, so if you experience any issues, don't hesitate to tell us in the forum or send an email to feedback@zombienightterror.com.. Level Editor Beta - Workshop support: We are almost ready to add the workshop support to the beta, but we need some help before letting everyone use it.If you interested in testing the workshop as soon as the update is live, just follow the instruction here.. Patch 1.4: What was a small beta to fix some long standing issues turned out to be a little more. So the 1.13.17 patch is now version 1.4.Sorry for the delay!GeneralUpdate FMOD to version 1.10.09, this should fix some starting issues on a wide range of systemsReworked the ways files are saved to disk, this should reduce file corruptionsAdded a workaround when starting the game with incorrect resolution settingsImproved scene transition animations by removing some stutter Removed a freeze when loading end level menu Added an option to disable screen shake Fixed level selection menu not playing music when accessing it from end level menu Fixed pause menu not pausing the level musicFixed duplicated level ids in custom chapters resulting in progression issues, existing custom levels needs to republished to the workshop to work properlyGameplayFixed missing 'sniper 2' fall landing animationFixed being able to open multiple spit menu on a single overlordFixed a glitch when zombie was attacking an enemy through stairsFixed zombies getting stuck on stairsFixed humans changing target to zombies farther than the current oneFixed snipers starting aim animation while moving after fleeingFixed regression in physic calculations resulting in some object behaving differently in fast forward Fixed level timer being started while the scene transition was playing Fixed patrolling humans sometimes resuming on the wrong waypoint Removed an invisible block from level 408.2 Removed a block in level 407 preventing her from hitting targetsFixed Draw Windows being unstable on level startup, resulting in them slowly moving away from their anchors Fixed spit preview not taking hooks and projectiles into accountFixed a glitch with Gertrude when jumping above while attacking Slightly reduce Gertrude attack range to make it easier to jump over her Level Editor Disabled contest toggle in publish menu (it wasn't doing anything anyway) Removed keyboard shortcut to move camera to avoid conflict with input Fixed cursor in level editor preview modeFixed error in level editor selection menuFixed moving object not working in some casesLevel Editor: Fixed some errors in tutorial editor Fixed camera placement Fixed challenge editor input fields not playing nice with decimal numbers Fixed loading level issuesFixed resizing invisible walls affecting other colliders. Patch 1.1.7: Fixed escape key not working for some players, preventing the pause menu from openingFixed sniper sometimes not being able to fire from some angles when a few zombies where stacked togetherBalanced sniper in to counteract its increased firing efficiency and reduce difficulty in some levelsFixed sniper blood contamination animation not synchronized with the main animationFixed incorrect material on the final boss resulting lightning issuesReduced last boss challenge timing to 2m30s from 5m30s to make it more challenging (it was not)Changed OpenGL backend on Mac OS to prevent black screens on startup. Patch 1.1.5: This version is apparently causing some problems with numerous people, especially those ho have started the game for the first time. The game as been rollback to the previous version until we can find what the problem is.Sorry for the inconvenience.. Patch 1.3.17 Beta: Some users have had sound issues for a while we have trouble identifying. This version uses a newer version of Fmod that could help with that (or not...) and we need to know, so if you have an error on startup saying the sound cannot initialize, we would like to know if this version is helping.We are doing a beta to know if there are some side effects, so even if you don't have any sound issues, you can test this version and let us know if you have any new problems.If you want to play the very this, follow these steps: Go to your Steam Library Right-click on Zombie Night Terror and select "Properties" Go to the tab marked "Betas" In the drop-down box, select "beta" Wait for the game to finish updating, you should see the branch name listed after the game name.There is also a few other fixes: Added an option to disable screen shake Fixed missing 'sniper 2' fall landing animation Fixed being able to open multiple spit menu on a single overlord Fixed a glitch when zombie was attacking an enemy through stairs Fixed duplicated level ids in custom chapters resulting in progression issues, existing custom levels needs to republished to the workshop to work properlyThank you for your support !
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